Eddie Muller, the "Czar of Noir" and host of TCM's Noir Alley, took to social media today to call The Murders That Made Us "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!" on Facebook and Twitter. (The all caps were all his.)
"Bob’s humor keeps it from becoming too dark," he wrote.
"As you can tell from my coiffure, this book blew me away," he joked on Facebook before adding, "Buy it from an indie bookstore!" That's high praise and great advice from the Czar of Noir!
If you're still playing it safe during this pandemic, most indie bookstores will ship to your home. You can also order TMTU through Indiebound and choose the book shop in your area you want to benefit.
Muller already contributed the book's cover blurb, calling it a "Whitman’s Sampler of wickedness."
Thank you Eddie! I owe you a drink or ten.